Quit relying on the forecast and unleash your kids' boundless energy by letting them swing, climb, and burn off that endless energy in the comfort and safety of your own home!
Step 1: Choose the Play Gym that is Right for You
Tip: Got flat ceilings? Go with the tension-mounted play gym because of the functionality.
Type 1: Tension-Mounted
Requires a flat ceiling that is minimum 6'10" high for the Basement version or 7'7" for the Standard one.
Modular concept. Start with the Model T3, then add one or two sets of Monkey Bars and you will get Spider V3 orSpider V3 Max configuration, respectively.
Fully adjustable: raise or lower your Monkey Bars or the pull-up bars. Move them around and build various setups.
Move anywhere. Place it in a middle of a room and let your kids swing in all 4 directions!
Type 2: Wall-Mounted
Model W3 or W3 Max are ideal if your ceilings are over 10ft high or slanted.
These modern wall bars are only 9" off the wall and built with 16" increments to match your studs.
Compact, yet very functional.They come with everything that your kids may love: the monkey bars, rope net, gymnastic rings, trapeze and a climbing rope.
Footprint Size and Functionality
Modular Design allows you to start small with model T3 or W3 and grow it with your kids.
Tension-mounted Monkey Bars are 3'8" wide and allow you to hang various addons and sensory swings right underneath them.
Build your own sensory play room setup by adding as many Monkey Bars as your space and budget allows you.

Step 2: Get Excited for the Installation Party
Assembly does not require any prior experience or special skills but it will take time.
Watch the Assembly Videos ahead of time and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
We can even do a FaceTime or Zoom call if needed.